
July 3, 2024 0 Comments

There are a number of studies focused on medical marijuana and its effects on neurodegenerative disorders that have produced promising results. Neurodegenerative disorders can include Alzheimer’s disease and other memory disorders, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease, among others. What are Neurodegenerative Disorders? Neurodegenerative disorders (NDs) involve the gradual damage and destruction of nerve cells in […]

April 23, 2024 0 Comments

Medical marijuana research has made great strides since legalization began to change, not just in the United States but all over the globe. From neurological studies to how patients who were current users of marijuana differed from non-users in their recovery from COVID-19, researchers are amassing studies that reveal what a versatile and medicinal plant […]

February 28, 2024 0 Comments

As we age, most of us will notice changes in our physical and cognitive health. Things that came easily to us when we were younger, like sleep and exercise, can become more difficult as we develop health conditions that are common with aging. Even people as young as 40 years old may notice changes as […]

February 7, 2024 0 Comments

Over the past ten years, more than 32,000 scientific papers on marijuana have been published according to data reported by NORML, a marijuana advocacy group. Of those, over 4,000 were published in 2023. Further, PubMed, a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature, now cites over 45,900 scientific papers […]

November 10, 2023 0 Comments

Neurological conditions in Americans are on the rise. The average age of the U.S. Citizen has been projected to be about 76.4 years of age. A century ago it was 54. People born in the U.S. today can expect to live to an average age of about 79. A century ago, life expectancy was closer […]

August 31, 2023 0 Comments

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition in the United States. According to an analysis of Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, nearly 4 in 10 (39.3%) adults reported symptoms of anxiety or depression in February 2021. The data also shows that young adults are more likely than adults of any other age group […]

August 15, 2023 0 Comments

Cannabis and opioid addiction has been the focus of many patient polls back to when marijuana first started to be legalized in the United States. Surveys have emerged regarding how patients have responded to the addition of marijuana. Among the most important are the surveys of patients who were taking opioids when they added marijuana […]

August 3, 2023 0 Comments

Cannabis may help in psoriasis treatment and other skin conditions that include inflammation, according to recent research. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, the condition affects more than three percent of the adult population in the United States, or 7.5 million people. What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease that causes inflammation in the […]

July 6, 2023 0 Comments

A growing amount of professional sports players across various disciplines like soccer, cycling, and marathon running are embracing the use of cannabis to alleviate pain caused by injuries and facilitate the healing process. Previously, the anecdotal evidence around the potential benefits of cannabis was substantial, however, empirical evidence was lacking. Today, a groundbreaking clinical trial […]

June 22, 2023 0 Comments

Medical marijuana, also known as medical cannabis, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential therapeutic benefits in various areas of healthcare, including mental health. While research on the topic is ongoing and there is still much to learn, there is growing evidence to suggest that medical marijuana may have a role […]