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Marijuana – How to

February 25, 2022 0 Comments

Grassroots movements have been around almost as long as humans have roamed the earth in groups. One voice can get some attention, but a group of unified voices can move mountains. WHAT IS A GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT? The next time you’re in a crowd, look around. The faces you see have likely never been on a […]

February 18, 2022 0 Comments

While smoke from any source is a respiratory irritant and can make asthma symptoms worse, research shows that the cannabinoids in marijuana can actually improve asthma when consumed in other ways. Marijuana has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties that can help reduce asthma symptoms. Though research is ongoing, what has been uncovered so far is promising. WHAT IS ASTHMA? Asthma […]

February 4, 2022 0 Comments

Now that marijuana flower is legal in Louisiana and some have even tried this new option, we thought a quick guide on how to consume it might be in order. Here are several ways to smoke marijuana flower with step-by-step guides. First, let’s review your options: Joint: the joint, sometimes called a cannabis cigarette, consists of […]